Dash on texture

We have a 1927 Tudor home and we are trying to match the stucco. We cannot figure out how this was applied and was hoping you may have a recommendation. We can’t tell if this was sprayed on or thrown on with a brush? It is very rough with large clumps.

Any insights would be much appreciated.

Dash on stucco finish Dash on texture.

I can't tell you how to ride a bicycle in one paragraph, but a few tips:

In our dash on finish, we put a thin scratch coat of the finish mortar before throwing the texture. This scratch coat needs to be troweled fairly neat, troweling out trowel marks. You can read trowel marks and large voids through the texture.

This mortar is a little stiff.

A fairly stiff brush, like a wallpaper brush or a cheap broom with plastic bristles. I use dollar store brooms, taking off the handle, and cutting the broom so it fits in a bucket.

You need a bucket of water and a bucket of mortar on the scaffold. The broom needs to be dipped in the water from time to time so the blobs slide off well. Also, you can splash water from time to time in the mortar to thin it down.

If you look at the picture, the texture was thrown on at an angle. Throwing up and down or side to side ruins the randomized appearance.

We still do a lot of dash on finishes, believe or not