A review Flannery Plaster and stucco trim from San Fernando, California.
With big, mobile friendly pictures.

Aluminum reveals are used on my job for a panelized look. Contrast provided by the scratch coat shows what we are trying to accomplish here.

I ordered these custom made intersections on a Wednesday and had them sent by USPS, and received them on Monday.

Included in the boxes of reveals and intersections were these vinyl splices. Outstanding service.

Outside corners are held in alignment with tape. When the scratch coat sets up, they aren't going anywhere.

The brown coat is trimmed down to allow room for the finish coat.

Reveals are sprayed with vegetable oil and cleaned off before and after the scratch coat and the brown coat. We'll mask off the reveals before the finish with frog tape.

My reveals were shipped in heavy boxes, and wrapped with at least 50 dollars worth of lumber to protect them. Brand X doesn't even give you a box.

A few snips from the Flannery catalog, which you can download here. Here is an expansion reveal that really expands. These products are unique to the industry.

These weeping reveals should eliminate water infiltration on wood framing like we find in horizontal expansion joints. Very innovative and well done. Not off the subject, the Northwest Lath and Plaster Bureau recommends additional tar paper or even rubber membrane behind horizontal expansion joints. Needless to say this recommendation isn't followed by who puts on the stucco we tear off. Note the height of the top flange. This should prevent any water from running into the wall.

A couple more innovative products.

Another innovative product. Note the two step flange that allows for movement in the window head.
I was real dissapointed a few years ago when I couldn't get vented aluminum channel screed for a soffit vent for my job from a supplier in Maryland I have used before. I ended up using cheap looking stuff for a soffit vent. Flannery still makes this, had I known. It is refreshing to deal with a business that doesn't act they are doing you a big favor by selling you materials, or even returning your phone calls. I called Flannery , they answered the phone, had pricing and shipping info ready for me and I got my material in a timely manner. The shipping from California to Virginia is a little inconvenient, but was worth the sacrifice. I always say, if you don't constantly strive to improve, you'll get worse. I was real impressed by someone in our industry that obviously is striving to improve.