Plastic corner beads in Florida
We represent an Owner (i.e. Construction QA) on a multi-family housing project in West Palm Beach, Florida. The plastering contractor is using plastic accessories and in some band details, they are using trimmed cornerbead (see attached photos).
We do not believe the method being employed is acceptable but there aren't specification requirements or details that mandate "casing bead" to be used in the location where they are using cornerbead.
We have concerns about the ability for the plaster to be properly contained but do not have an industry standard to point to in order to cite this as a deficiency.
Are we unnecessarily concerned?
This should be fine. Since the stucco is on block and the band is packed solid, this should work.
I have never used plastic beads before, but here they are being used to form the shape of the band.
The mortar will bond fine to the block without any additional reinforcement.

"The finish coat will be standard portland cement and requires the 1/8-inch thick coat."
These beads were made to be left exposed.
Also If you don't pack the corner beads on the inside, they tend to split wide open in the future. This is true for metal, and I am sure plastic is probably the same.This is also called back-filling.