How was permastone done ? (continued)
About permastone simulated stone stucco.

Simulated stones were used as a finish on the bottom floor, and used for decorative quoins and exposed stones in this combination simulated stone and conventional stucco application in McLean, Virginia. This house was probably done in the 1960's.
Another method of applying the stones was buying the stones pre-made and sticking them up. Manufacturers sold the pre-made stones and shipped them to the jobsite. This explains formstone applications where the stones are identical, with maybe 3 or 4 stones repeating themselves.
Another method was hand tooling the stones. The stone joints were hand tooled in the brown coat, and colored by a color finish. This method was evident on close examination or the stones.
Like many other building trends, permastone has become obsolete. Remember T-111 plywood from the 70's ? T-111 is now considered ugly and obsolete. I remember when the ski chalet look took off. Unlike T-11, permastone is an incredibly durable finish, as evidenced by how much still is in place.