Mystic secret trick for white splotches in color coat.
It snowed the day after we put on our new color coat and there are white splotches on the wall. Can this be fixed without fog or recoating the wall ?

Not too bad but not too good. It rained the night after we put on the finish coat. The water running off the roof splotched the color coat.

Much better after applying a sealer.

The cause was water running off this steep roof the same night after we put on the color. The gutters and downspouts weren't on yet.

Magic: Spraying the splotch with Thompson's water seal made the splotch disappear like magic.
Splotching is a particular concern in cold weather, for example when the temperature doesn't reach 45 degrees and finish is applied without using a heat tent. It may take 3 days or so for the finish to set up all the way, so if it rains in the meantime you may have splotches on the wall.
How does the Thompson's work ? I think it has something to do with hydrating the molecules, but I really don't know. But it works like magic. Maybe more like Voodoo.
Sometimes, we put on termporary downspouts and gutters until the finish sets up for a few days. In extreme cold, we heat the wall fcr 2-3 days after the finish is applied.
The Thpmpson's clear multi-surface waterproofer is the ticket, however there are other sealers. I used another brand once that left the wall too dark.