Mounting pre cast trim on stucco
Stucco and Limestone window Sill
Stucco and Limestone window Sill Thank you for taking my phone call and talking with me about the limestone window sill and stucco. You said you could email me some pictures of a couple of jobs you did. That would be very appreciated..
Here's how we mount heavy pre cast or stone trim on stucco:
We use three metods of support. 1. Drilling a hole in the back of the trim and using a lag bolt to hang it like a picture. 2. Using an acrylic bonding admixture to stick up the trim with mortar. 3. Supporting the piece with mortar underneath and the sides.
This pre cast corbel weighs almost 100 pounds

This corbel was put on as an after thought
We had the brown coat done. The brown coat was cut back with a diamond blade. New lath was put on and a lag bolt for support.

Drilling the back with a hammer drill to mount on the lag bolt like a picture.
This is a different piece for a different job, but it's the same method.

Piece is mortared in place with plenty of flex-con in the mortar.
We used our color finish, but you can use anything. Also thin set for tile will work.

The edges are packed with our mortar. Later the finish coat will butt to the edge and the bottom, adding additional support..
This will never fall off. I promise. A satisfied homeowner shows his approval.