Stucco rebuilds houses in Sri Lanka
Donald Stevens uses stucco to rebuild houses in Sri Lanka.

Stucco has long been an exterior finish and not thought of as a structural component . I have seen old buildings with termite damage so extensive, that the wood framing could be pulled out with your bare hands, meaning the old stucco was the only thing supporting the building.
The benefits of cement and steel have been seen for years in concrete construction. Steel studs have not only a low environmental impact, there are some advantages over wood studs. For example: steel studs are light, straight, fire and termite resistant.
Lath and stucco interlock with the metal framing. The panelized construction helps speed construction.
This home (pictured) was built in Sri Lanka in 20 days. It can serve as a model for how to house a growing world population, with low cost and excellent longevity. Donald Stevens should be commended for his effort to help tsunami victims with a low cost yet durable housing.