Expo stucco is gone !
Here I reported that EXPO stucco went out of business and came back. They survived a short time more and finally went out of business. EXPO had been making stucco color and stucco products since 1926.
Duck stenciled stucco in Honduras.

A reader from Honduras texted this photo of his house, that was finished recently. The ducks were cut from one quarter inch masonite, and put on the brown coat. The finish coat was applied up to the edge and the ducks pulled out after the mortar set up. Great job ! I hope to get better pictures soon.

The result is a whimsical border around the bottom of the house.
Check out Chris Jarman's chess board and seats:

Not really stucco, but cast concrete is close.
Home advisor- another Service Magic scam
ServiceMagic had such a horrible reputation they changed their name to
Home Advisor.
I know some one that had plumbing done by completely inexperienced people,
referred by ServiceMagic.
The work was so bad, it had to be completely torn out and re-done.
I searched for stucco in Woodbridge, Virginia, and came up with 10 contractors,
who have absolutely no experience in stucco.
Eight out of ten don't have a Virginia Contractor License, HomeAdvisor's first criteria in their "screening process". The truth is, the screening process is to accept any contractor with money in their hand !
More about Home Advisor scam here:
More about water funnels.
No flashing was ever put on over the window on this 1930's pebble dash house in Washington,DC. Water infiltration OVER the window caused the inside plaster to fail UNDER the window time after time. MORE...
One contractor sprayed waterproofing on the stucco UNDER the window and this did no good. Another person who advertizes as a stucco contractor wanted to cut a gap around every window and fill the gap with caulking. This method would do a lot of harm and no good, plus is a completely unnecessary amount of work. MORE....