Flashing rubber membrane roofs for stucco
This is important--Please read this !!!
We were called in to repair two leaking roofs that were recently installed. The roof below was put on by a large roofing contractor in the Washington, DC area. We worked behind this company before and the counter flashing was done by an old buzzard that knew what he was doing. The old roofer knew to put the flashing under the stucco and not over the stucco. The young whippersnappers need to get with the program.

Counter flashing over the stucco. The ceiling below has a stain directly below the flashing.

Counter flashing under the stucco. Leak corrected.

Here, the stucco is cut off about 4 inches above the counter flashing using a diamond blade.

A side view of the new counter flashing with a flange and a stucco stop. The flange goes under the stucco. Sometimes this kind of flashing is called a stucco stop. An "S" flashing also works.

Removing the counter flashing showed why it failed. It didn't go back far enough to cover the edge of the roof membrane. Note a reglet, or groove, was cut into the stucco. REGLETS DON'T WORK FOR STUCCO !!

Our new counter flashing is put on and the top is sealed against the old tarpaper with tape.

Metal lath is put on over the the flashing and filled in with mortar.
I have more pictures and details about this and another project.