Info on Stucco and Plastering-December 2015 - forty-fourth issue
Optimize the join between new stucco and old?
Thanks for excellent information nicely presented. Just spent an hour browsing your site.
I'm more of a cabinet guy, but I
rebuilt the 10 x 10 laundry wing on my small
single-story SoCal home. It's a wannabe craftsman
kit home with redwood clapboard built in 1917, and
received stucco in 1947. Good materials, decently
applied, 5/8" average thickness overall. No signs of
cracks or degradation from moisture.
I cut the old stucco with an
abrasive blade on a circular saw. One cut, nice
& clean. Now I'm ready to apply paper and
pre-furred woven wire lath. How do I optimize
the join between new stucco and old?
There's a vertical cut nice & smooth, showing
base coast with embedded wire, and top coat. The cut
slices the tarpaper beneath, and just scores the outer skirt
of the clapboard. Then my new sheathing. Maybe I
could work heavy wire into the horizontal gaps between each
clapboard, even epoxy them in, and tie them to the new
lath? Maybe I should chamfer the edge of nice clean
cut so new stucco has a chance to fair in? Basic
integrity of the whole stucco web is my chief concern;
appearance matters much less on this utility porch at the
rear of the home.
Here, a mixture of flex-con, an acrylic bonding admixture,
and portland cement with no sand is painted on the join.
The surface is left as rough as possible. This not only prevents edge
it avoids a nasty hump.
A rough edge would bond better but this is will work even if you have a slick join.
I believe heavily in flex-con, but there are other acrylic bonding admixtures.
We mix pure flex-con (no water)
portland cement (no sand)
in a cup or something until it is a paste.
Paint this on your join leaving the paste rough.
You may want to wet the join first.
This will work 95%+ of the time
Thanks so much for visiting my site and for the great question.