August, 2006 - Doswell, Virginia

Amazing stucco at King's Dominion

Amazing stucco at Kings Dominion, Doswell, Virginia

Looks like stone ? Fooled you.

Integral color cement stucco with two colors looks like stone.

I took my camera to King's Dominion, (a theme park in Doswell, VA) to take some photos of the fine workmanship there. Follow this link for more...

Ornamental plaster ring

Dave sends a picture of his cool ceiling

Stucco with tile inlays

Nora from JasoLudviksen, Inc. architects in Seattle sends this picture of some cool stucco on one of their projects.


12 point list of methods for reducing cracks

A pdf file of my 12 point list of methods for reducing cracks


Secret formula for mixing color finish.

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Thanks for reading all these years.