Attaching a ledger board

Hi, I have a question regarding attaching a ledger board to a stucco home. My wife and I are looking at installing a deck but friends instructed us we would not be able to attach a ledger board to our stucco home. What is required to attach a ledger board to a stucco home and keep it leak proof ?

How to put on a ledger board.

I hope you can see what's going on. The plastic is to keep mortar from splattering on the ledger and below.

A detailed drawing of how to put flashing on a ledger board.

Here is a picture I drew about flashing a ledger board. This idea was by the superintendent for the builder. The two-by material provides temporary spacing for the deck boards. We didn't have to wait for them to be put on first, and didn't have to worry about the deck being damaged. The space created by the temporary masonite spacer provides relief from building movement and deck movement cracking the stucco. The masonite also gave us a way to nail on our plastic, securing the plastic with masonite blocks.

An existing stucco house would require cutting and patching the stucco. Cutting a gap in the stucco for the flashing, and patching the lath and stucco to overlap the flashing.

Ledger board flashing.

Another view of the masonite spacers. We use casing beads to terminate the bottom.