February, 2005 - Potomac, MD

Slate roof-What to do ?

How to flash a slate roof for stucco

Stucco needs to be done before the roof to avoid walking on the slate.

The problem is how to put flashing on before the stucco, and how to flash the roof. A painted one by is put on first. An "S" flashing is put over the one by 8 and the stucco overlaps the flashing. An apron flashing can be slid up under this flashing. In the case of the sides of the dormers, step flashings can be slid underneath this "S" flashing. This solves the problem of how to put on the stucco first.

More about this method of putting on the flashing before the slate ...

Point 13 in my 13 point list for reducing cracks

It was a twelve point list, but I thought of one more.


12 point list of methods for reducing cracks

A pdf file of my 12 point list of methods for reducing cracks


Secret formula for mixing color finish.

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Thanks for reading all these years.