How not to stucco a garage

People write to ask how to stucco a garage. This is the opposite.

Picture frame trim is a water funnel

If you want to rot the framing under the window, this picture frame style trim will do it. Water runs down the window into this gap between the trim and the framing. The on by four is level and catches water. I have warned the world against this method, but it is real popular in remodeling and building new houses. I hope someone will read this and stop doing this. Also, the trim thickness is 3/4", the thickness of the stucco. This not only looks stupid, but is another source of leaking and rot.

I have shown the dangers of picture frame type trim before here...

We stuccoed a big addition in Alexandria, Virginia back in 2003 that had windows trimmed like this. A year later, the new owners called me about a stucco repair. The new owners tore off a lot of the stucco exposing severe rot in the framing. I felt terrible that our work turned out like this. I am now aware how terrible this picture frame around the window is. From now on I need to say something, or simply not do the work until this condition is corrected.

Stucco looks like someone put in on with a tennis shoe.

Home made stucco looks like someone put the mortar on with a tennis shoe.

DIY or stucco by inexperienced people can't do anything to improve property value. Some that looks this terrible is sure to scare away potential buyers, particularly here in Washington, DC.

Foundation is out past the wall

Foundation is out past the wall.

Water collects here and can rot the bottom plate, or the 2 by 4 supporting the garage.

I have written about this before here.... Any water that penetrates the stucco will run down and collect on the concrete. On old houses, the finished wall almost always overlaps the foundation. We are getting ready to replace the stucco on a 1926 house where the foundation sticks out past the first floor. There is a lot deterioration we need to correct.

No fascia board in between the rafter tails

No fascia board in between the rafter tails.

This means someone would need to lath and stucco in between each rafter, which not only takes forever, but will probably look sloppy.

Ripped up tyvek

Tyvek all ripped up.

Sure, I believe tarpaper is better, but this really looks bad.