Glen Echo Park, Glen Echo, Maryland

Amazing stucco work in this old amusement park. Glen Echo was closed in 1968.

All the pictures are from Wiki Commons. I left a credit under the photos.

Entrance to Glen Echo Park, Maryland

By Preservation Maryland - Glen Echo Park, entrance, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Front Entrance with the administration Building in the background. Deco style was great for stucco.

The curved walls were well done. The expansion joints indicate these walls were stuccoed or re-stuccoed after 1950.

A true test for stucco workmanship is to see the wall in the sunlight. Once or twice a day the sunlight hits the wall at an angle showing up every bump and wave. These curves have very few waves, showing the work was done by top notch plasterers.

Spanish Ballroom at Glen Echo Park, Maryland

The Spanish Ballroom. Spanish Style has a barrel tile roof, arches, iron balconies, scuppers are disguised as vigas, or joists, and of course stucco.

The Spanish Ballroom is still in use today.

Interior of Spanish Ballroom

A little peek inside the Spanish ballroom showing Spanish style features. Arches, columns, balcony rails, iron grates, etc. show off the Spanish style.

Tons more pictures of the Spanish Ballroom can be found here at Wiki Commons

Crystal Pool at Glen Echo Park

The entrance of the Crystal pool has been redone.

Links to Glen Echo Park:

Wiki Commons has tons and tons of pictures of Glen Echo Park.

National Park Service has a nice informative page with great pictures of Glen Echo Park.

National Park Planner page contains more pictures and information on the history of Glen Echo Park.

My Book - Stucco and the blind man - Table of contents

Chapters one and two

Introduction; About windows and doors.

Chapter three


Chapter four

All about lath for plaster and stucco

Chapter five

Mortar and sand

Chapter six

About interior plaster

Chapter seven

Bonding plaster and cement mortar.

Chapter eight

Planning a plaster or stucco project.

Chapter nine

Decorative features from a 24 year old website.

Chapter ten

Glossary of plaster terms.

Chapter eleven

Flashing for stucco.

Chapter twelve


Chapter thirteen

Pay per leads.

Chapter Fourteen

Stucco Art

Chapter Fifteen

Identifying the age of materials


January, 2024

Copyleft: Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Thanks for reading all these years.