EIFS bands destroy chimneys
I see chimneys failing all over because someone stuck styrofoam bands at the top of a chimney. This condition probably wouldn't be so bad if the tops of the bands were angled down. Regardless, foam is a material proven to absorb and trap water against the wall. Water runs downhill and deteriorates the stucco or EIFS or whatever in a few short years.
As they say on youtube, watch until the end.
EIFS sponges severely damaged this one coat stucco.
You may have seen this video on my site before. This chimney top is over 50 feet from the ground, so you can imagen how much it costs to build a scaffold to get up here. This chimney is less than 20 years old. Already the roof is warping around the chimney opening. This chimney would have still been in good shape if we did it.
We tore the EIFS off this chimney also. Note how the water running off the top collects in the band, which is level. Water is absorbed and damages the one coat stucco below. Note the woodpecker holes.

This picture is in my chapter about chimneys here.
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